Pop Culturing

Pop Culturing

Field of Dreams (1989)

September 15, 2023

In the latest episode of Pop Culturing hosted by Todd and Cathy Adams, they discuss the iconic movie “Field of Dreams.” Get ready for an entertaining and insightful journey as they bring their unique Gen X perspective to this classic film. From dissecting memorable one-liners to uncovering hidden gems and exploring the deeper themes of humanity, this episode is a must-listen for anyone who loves movies and personal growth. Join Todd and Cathy for a fun-filled discussion that will keep you laughing and leave you pondering the meaning of it all.

Field of Dreams is a 1989 American sports fantasy drama film written and directed by Phil Alden Robinson, based on Canadian novelist W. P. Kinsella‘s 1982 novel Shoeless Joe. The film stars Kevin Costner as a farmer who builds a baseball field in his cornfield that attracts the ghosts of baseball legends, including Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) and the Chicago Black Sox. Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, and Burt Lancaster (in his final film role) also star.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/Ut06d4dptWo
