Pop 'n' Jay

Pop 'n' Jay

Latest Episodes

E49 - America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brats
April 02, 2022

Happy early Independence Day to one and all, be you patriotic peace lover or miscreant malcontent. We discuss America being under siege as the woefully ignorant rioters continue to burn down symbols of freedom, liberty and Christianity from sea to shining

E9 - Sinning our Way to Lent
April 02, 2022

Wait, what? But, my Christmas lights are still up...true I never took them down last year, but still! Jesus was just born and now Easter!?! Yyyyyep! Time for an ol' fashioned examination of conscience, and this episode can help you on your road away

E44 - Woke Up!
April 02, 2022

Pop n Jay shoot the breeze (TRIGGERED) about the woke-scolds and the CANCEL culture. It's censor-overload! 

E10 - JUSTICE, thy name is SCALIA
April 02, 2022

The sudden passing of the unwavering, irreplaceable Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia required our devoting an episode to the brilliant "Nino" and the virtue he fought tirelessly to uphold: JUSTICE. It's just justice, you know, the often

E19 - God and Evil
April 02, 2022

In this episode, Pop and Jess tackle what many of the greatest minds have called the most powerful argument against God: the problem of pain. How can an all good God allow suffering? He must either be not all powerful or not all good. You won't find

E22 - Thin Black and Blue Line
April 02, 2022

It's just so en vogue to call everyone racist, why not? Well, when you're talking about law enforcement, one good reason not to is because it makes them and all the rest of us WAYYYYY less safe. From BLM to SJW to HRC to the DNC to the CBC, we h

E24 - Hearing God in a LOUD World
April 02, 2022

Well, it's Election Day/The Apocalypse, so we bring to you a little distraction in the form of religious musings. Or maybe these could be considered philosophical ponderings. Cosmic contemplations? Well, whatever you call it, it's something othe

E26 - Casting out Fear
April 02, 2022

Let's get this new year off to a good start by tackling one of the most debilitating factors of human existence! (How celebratory and lighthearted of us!) The Bible is FULL of God telling us not to be afraid, not to mention other religions and even s

E36 - Keep Calm and Holy Spirit On!
April 02, 2022

Pop n Jay are finally back! Their first topic of the New Year is all about being a faithful follower of God is a world of so much godlessness, it would make the people of Sodom and Gomorrah blush! Of course, in this culture of tweeting and bleating, posti

E37 - Think Twice about Gun Violence
April 02, 2022

Pop, a bonafide expert in situational awareness and how to handle yourself in the midst of an active killer, discusses the most recent monster massacre that happened in Florida with Jay, a public high school teacher. Although the topic is dark and trouble