Poop Stories

Poop Stories

Latest Episodes

Poop Stories Episode Eleven
March 04, 2018

Poop Stories Episode Eleven On this episode of Oatmeal Stories, theres a new intro! Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller are back to take a dump in your ears. Josh recounts a disgusting public transit turd tale. Bee asks about Coke farts and then realizes h

Poop Stories Episode Ten
February 08, 2018

Poop Stories Episode Ten This week on “Angel Soft For Your Ears” Josh Jak and Bee Lion talk butt comfort and other unsavory topics. They discuss other bodily functions as well and recount past podcast blunders from the BJ & ED show. Josh talks about g

Poop Stories Episode Nine
February 01, 2018

Poop Stories Episode Nine This week on Baby Wipe My Ass, Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller dirty the porcelain like old men. Josh retells his poop story from last week. Bill chimes in with his story about the last time his mom wiped his ass. Josh talks a

Poop Stories Episode Eight
January 30, 2018

Poop Stories Episode Eight This week on Troubling Tushy Tales, Josh Jak and Bee Lion k about their mothers wiping their butts, among other topics. They also discuss the variety of dumps people take throughout their lives. Josh has a funny work-related poo

Poop Stories Episode Seven
January 19, 2018

Poop Stories Episode SevenThis week on The Worst Show To Listen To While Eating, Josh Jak, Bee Lion, and Bill Miller have a lively discussion about one of the grossest things we do as human beings. Josh's butt situation is a disaster. Bee blames Josh's ad

Poop Stories Episode Six
January 09, 2018

Poop Stories Episode Six This week on Ear Diarrhea, Josh Jak, Bee Lion, and Bill Miller have an elegant discussion about the gross stuff that comes out of your butt. Bill wonders why anyone would listen to such a disgusting show, while Bee Lion looks for

Poop Stories Episode Five
January 04, 2018

Poop Stories Episode 5 This may be the best episode of Poop Stories yet. Josh Jak, Bee Lion, Bill Miller and Justin have a round-toilet discussion about gross poop stuff. Bee Lion tries out a different type of paper and wipes his ass on the show.

Poop Stories Episode Four
December 20, 2017

Poop Stories Episode Four Josh calls out Bee for not using baby wipes as toilet paper like he promised. Bill Miller joins the show gives his theory on why some people have green stools. Jak goes into gross detail that will make your ears vomit.

Poop Stories Episode Three
December 20, 2017

Poop Stories Episode ThreeAnother episode of the sh!ttiest show on iTunes. It’s the number one show about number two. Jak and Lion duke it out with disgusting tales of dirty dumps.

Poop Stories Episode Two
December 08, 2017

Poop Stories Episode TwoEver since man discovered poop it has been a consistent source of humor. We hope to continue this trend with this poop podcast. We bombard your funny bone with fecal stories. You’re gonna poop anyway. Why not laugh about it. Poop f