Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Latest Episodes

Ep. 170: Ghoul Summer
July 28, 2014

It's Ghoul Summer! And we have some very special guests! We're joined by Jordan and Bryan from Olympic Artichoke Radio. We're also joined by a live studio audience of staunch Frisbie supporters! We start off by discussing Frisbie's old nicknames then it'

Ep. 169: Dildos
July 21, 2014

Parker and Frisbie are on vacation, so Katie Rots and Chris Yolo (from Rotten Rantings ) fill in. They talk about dildos having your sex toys stolen. And how they met Parker and discuss the times they were embarrassed by rookie podcast mistakes. Then the

Ep. 168: A.D.I.D.A.S.
July 14, 2014

Welcome back to Pool Party Radio Classic, with your hosts, Parker Bowman and Jason “Razorman” Fris”man”. This week, your two loyal, money-hustlin’ hosts discuss podcat bros, Chubby Rain, Sociopaths, and the enormous pass that Martin Scorsese ea

Ep. 167: Rotten Theses
July 07, 2014

Frisbie returns from his hiatus and Katie Rots from Rotten Rantings makes her 15th appearance this month to join Parker on another classic WWE Pay-Per-View recap. After watching the Money in the Bank special from last week, the crew regroups about who is

Ep. 166: Indescribable Hilarity!
June 30, 2014

Frisbie is still out on vacation, so Parker is joined by Party Dad Shelby Cobras from Illogical Contraption Radio. We foreshadow an upcoming segment by describing the entire thing and ruining it and then trash talk shitty beers. We get some emails that pr

Ep. 165: So Mainstream
June 23, 2014

Razorman Frisbie is out of town, so Parker is all by himself... until about 4 seconds into the show when Katie Rots from Rotten Rantings shows up! In this crossover extravaganza, we discuss our previous crossover extravaganza, the new episode of Rotten R

Ep. 164: This was all a trick. I deceived you.
June 16, 2014

Your main goofy pals are back with a formal apology to a dear regular pal. Then it's off to their regular programming, with classic favorites like Siqq Piqqs and News of the Weird! Things are all spoopy and creppy because of the recent Friday the 13th an

Ep. 163: Secret Kumite
June 09, 2014

We talk about Frisbie's violent secret and how we are bad at video games and Parker's new fighting style, which is similar to his fuck style. Donloyd Here if you have a new fighting style.

Ep. 162: No Fat Chicks!
June 02, 2014

Give a weak round of applause for Parker and Frisbie as they pick up where they left off: Talkin’ ‘bout barely remembered bumper stickers. Do they solve the mystery? Does anyone alive remember any details of this thing? Does anyone really care? Like

Ep. 161: No Fat Chicks?
May 26, 2014

Frisbie and Parker go really really hard this week! Parker remembers a story about a sticker Frisbie had on his car when they first met, but Frisbie swears it isn't true. Is it a repressed memory? Is Parker "trolling?" Is the sticker so shocking that Par