Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 202: Fris Unquits

March 16, 2015
ppr202.jpgFrisbie's back! We're recording at 4 a.m. and are so sleepy! Did Frisbie quit the show? Did Parker guess his GBU correctly? We unveil a new segment: Fribie's STAMP of Approval! Cumulus runs down things he approves of or doesn't approve of and then uses his notary stamps to STAMP em.

We bring back an old segment we invented: TV Hostage. We pick tv shows for each other to watch and we'll review them next week. We also read some emails and talk about Drakalas. Lots more stuff happens, too.

Donloyd Here if you approve of Frisbie's notary skills.

Leave us some iTunes reviews or tel your friends to listen, otherwise we die a little inside.