Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 200: Episode 200

March 02, 2015
ppr200.jpg Coming to you from inside a pair of common butthole flaps! It's Parker and Frisbie! We're celebrating our 200th episode by counting down our favorite podcast moments. Other podcasts. Not ours. We talk about some of our podcat bros and some podcats we love. Then we read the favorite podcat moments from some listeners and buddies. Other podcasts. Not ours. Well, also ours.

We also get an email that has nothing to do with anything but is pretty sweet anyway.

Music: "Thank You," by the Merkurs

Donloyd Here if you think that's totally reasonable.

Leave us a review on iTunes or email us at poolpartyradio at gmail or like us on Facebook. C'mon. It's our 200th episode. You can do at least one of those, right?