Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 196: Butthole Pleasures

January 26, 2015
ppr196.jpgWe're back! We discuss a shitty list of which states like which foods that's terribly inaccurate. We talk about vinyl records a little bit. Cumulus gets an email about invoking the Law. Which law? A Frisbie's Right to Choose! Parker gets upset about these goddamn Republicans. He also thinks everyone is a Drax who doesn't understand that American Sniper is an anti-War movie. iTunes brought back the "Listeners also subscribed to!" And our matches are all of our bros (and also Rotten Rantings, who only review movies made after 9/11). Do the people who post the grossest shit on Tumblr also post the cutest shit? Is Shipping Evil? Is Jon Holmes banned and is Cumulus quitting at episode 200? We bring up all this and more!

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