Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 192: The Peeing

December 29, 2014
ppr192.jpg Parker and Frisbie are in your face this week, to the extreme!

Frisbie is worried that he's been perceived as too much of a creepy ghoul lately. Or is perhaps becoming one. Are parents afraid the Pool Party crew? Parker asks a hypothetical question of Frisbie based on a real-life story of pee. Parker bonds with a friend over a pee-related crime. Is it ok to tell people you sexually identify as a pee-taker if it's done AS A GOOF?

We discuss The Time for a little bit. Then we audit each other's Letterboxd accounts. We praise each other for agreeable movie reviews and air our grievances over bad movie reviews. We also get an email where friend of the show, Mr. Unstable puts his hands in the air so Frisbie can see!

All this and a lot more and that Eagle song we love so much!

Donloyd Here if you're Miles Davis.

Leave us a review on iTunes or send us an email because that's the shit that fuels the show. Or money.