Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 182: A Serbian Episode

October 22, 2014
ppr182.jpg Parker and Frisbie are joined by Katie Rots of Rotten Rantings to discuss A Serbian Film. This Japanese guy, Hiro Matsuda, returns as guest producer and has a few interesting (see: depressing) things to say about his experience watching the film. They also talk about less bleak stuff, like a couple of lightning rounds and a Good, Bad, and Ugly of Stories from Horror Movie Anthologies.

This coming weekend is the Second Annual Podcat Bro Meet Up in LA. We’ll probably be tweeting about it so be sure to follow @finalparker and @cumulusfrisbie for updates on what kind of dorky shit we’re doing.

Music: "Fart Metal" by 66Samus

Donloyd Here if you're a true ghoul.

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