Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 169: Dildos

July 21, 2014
ppr169.jpg Parker and Frisbie are on vacation, so Katie Rots and Chris Yolo (from Rotten Rantings ) fill in. They talk about dildos having your sex toys stolen. And how they met Parker and discuss the times they were embarrassed by rookie podcast mistakes. Then they do one obligatory news story that officially makes this a Pool Party episode. They also ready some listener mail that may or may not be fake. Katie tries to talk about wrestling, but Chris's body has a way to shut the whole thing down. Then the rest of the episode is just lies and propaganda.

Frisbie and Parker will be back next week with the first of TWO Ghoul summer episodes, featuring the guys from Olympic Artichoke and possibly a new producer.

Music: "I Live This Life" by the Queers.

Donloyd Here if you know a lot about lube.

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