Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 167: Rotten Theses

July 07, 2014
ppr167.jpg Frisbie returns from his hiatus and Katie Rots from Rotten Rantings makes her 15th appearance this month to join Parker on another classic WWE Pay-Per-View recap. After watching the Money in the Bank special from last week, the crew regroups about who is the cutest wrestler and who is the most boring wrestler. They discuss the importance of a good promo and review their predictions for those matches. Then, Katie and Parker advertise the hell out of the WWE Network, selling Frisbie on the idea that a subscription will be the his best decision all year.

They also talk about some ultra-personal stuff and reflect on more asshole behavior. Also Frisbie pinpoints an assassination plan on his head that may change the course of Pool Party forever. Or maybe for just a couple of weeks. It’s really hard to say with these sorts of things. So in the meantime, sit back, relax, enjoy the episode, and pretend that no one ever dies.

Music: "Year of the Pets" by Hector's Pets

Donloyd Here if you spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool.

Remember to leave an iTunes review and like us on Facebook. These are the metaphorical inspiring crowd chants that encourage us to keep climbing that metaphorical ladder towards that metaphorical suspended briefcase.dp3-OsJNtE4