Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 165: So Mainstream

June 23, 2014
ppr165.jpg Razorman Frisbie is out of town, so Parker is all by himself... until about 4 seconds into the show when Katie Rots from Rotten Rantings shows up!

In this crossover extravaganza, we discuss our previous crossover extravaganza, the new episode of Rotten Rantings where Parker and Katie reviewed all the Paranormal Activity movies. Then there's some talk about wrestling and (sort of) review the new RAW. And then we talk about which wrestling boys are the cutest.

I think there's probably more stuff, too. We talked about a lot of stuff, but I don't really remember and it's weird to keep going back and forth between 1st and 3rd person in this summary, so whatever.

Donloyd Here if you like bad boys.

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