Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 157: Nothing Else Matterhorn

April 28, 2014
ppr157.jpg Frisbie went to Boston, so Parker is joined by his goofy pal, Cory, from Illogical Contraption! We talk about Steve Harvey's Family Feud, Shelly Koala's nipple ring, cemeteries, ghosts, ouija boards and lots more.

Lots more includes: Disney Land. This episode is mostly just two adult dudes talking about how much they enjoy Disney Land. Bird Season's over, Matterhorn.

In Frisbie's absence, Parker forgets how to do a podcast and ignored the emails, so if you emailed us, we'll get to it next week. Sorry! (And keep 'em comin'!)

Music: "Playful Grin vs. Knowing Smile" by Stuntrock.

Donloyd Here if you got pierced at a KMFDM or Blink182 show.

Leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or like us on facebook or email us at poolpartyradio at gmail dot com. That's the only way Frisbie will come back to life.uPD92BguUnU