Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 155: Wrestlemania XXX

April 14, 2014
ppr+150.jpg It's truly the showcase of the immortals! Parker returns from being dead! And Mike Dikk from Kissing Contest* shows up!

The three of us get real deep into a review of Wrestlemania XXX. We'll talk about Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker. And leg drops and armbars and chair shots. And that's it. If you're not into wrestling, skip this one, maybe.

Oh, wait. At the beginning, we debut our new segment, "The Spice Channel" where Parker reviews the Southeast Asian restaurants by his work. "The Spice Channel" is a spin off of our widely popular original segments "Chip Chat" and "Snack Speak."

You may have noticed this episode came out on a Monday. Yeah, we're doing that for now on. See you next Monday!

*Kissing Contest is a subsidiary of Mark Freado Media Incorporated.

Donloyd Here to keep your streak intact.

You may also have noticed that we did 2 episodes this week (Well, Frisbie did), maybe you wanna leave us an iTunes review or rating to pay us back? Or just like us on Facebook or email us at poolpartyradio at gmail.com. We can work out a payment plan. We're easy-peasy.pLlxDIoLtLs