Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 99: Jizmy Appleseed

March 01, 2013

Howdy, Lil' C-words! This week, we've got Shelby Cobras from Illogical Contraption Radio, now on Radio Vaelncia in San Francisco.

Parker and Frisbabe hear all about Mr. Shelby Cobretti's great trip to Super California (aka Hawaii) and discuss the Good, Bad, and Ugly states, including America's heartland, America's third nipple, America's thumb, and America's wang, as well as the ugliest state: Hawaii (aka Super California). We also learn about Lil' Italian Parker.

The Lightning Round include Lil' Poopy: the 9-year old Rapper while Frisbabe must contend with his very poopy Skype connection, the Onion apologizing for being funny and giving a child actor the business, and a Michigan gentleman experiencing the porn collection equivalent of the ending to It's a Wonderful Life. Also, the Legend of Jizmy Appleseed, a bunch of terrible Jerry Lewis impressions, and Shelby's band, Apocryphon.

Music: Apocryphon - "(Untitled New Track from Upcoming Album)"

DonLoyd Here, before the hunter becomes the hunted.

Leave us some ratings/reviews on iTunes for our upcoming birthday! And remember to also check out Frisbie on ep. 50 of Acid Pop Cult and both of us on the Valentine's Day episode of Rotten Rantings!qyF6lufM3KU