Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 98: Well-liked in the Community

February 22, 2013

We're dangerously close to the 100th episode and emotions are high as Parker just wants to be Well-Liked in the Community. Things then turned rage-ful as we discuss two podcasts that have done things eerily similar to the things we've done before (that are clearly just coincidence.*)

In the Lightning Round, are Greeks cavemen? Is the government going to ban hard nipples? Have the Russians gone too far by not letting anyone go all the way? And some old dickhead hates the library.

We also do another (the last?) TV Hostage. Parker watched Cowboy Bebop and Jason watched Death Valley.

Music: Find it Here.

*Or are they?

Donloyd Here if you have nipples.

Leave us some ratings/reviews on iTunes for our upcoming birthday! And remember to also check out Frisbie on ep. 50 of Acid Pop Cult and both of us on the Valentine's Day episode of Rotten Rantings!MYhUK9gN7r4