Poly-Saturated Podcast

Poly-Saturated Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 17 - Poly Holidays - Part 2
November 17, 2019

Keep Jingle jangle your bells with us as we continue our discussion with one of our amazing listeners. Listen as we go more in depth with the in to the Poly Holidays.

Episode 16 - Poly Merch
November 11, 2019

Shopping in general can be a challenge - shopping for your significant others in a way that reflects your relationship status takes the difficulty to a whole new level. Here we discuss ideas and methods that we've used and we've seen others use to...

Episode 15 - Traveling Poly pt 2
November 06, 2019

Part 2 of Travel-A-Poly where we touch on more sensitive areas of travel concerns and conducting yourselves and planning and organizing how to handle being in situations that may be emotionally taxing and wearing. Safe travels to all of our...

Episode 15 - Traveling Poly - Part 1
November 04, 2019

Travel-a-POLY - We wanted to kick off our Poly Holly-Days series with what turned into a 2-part episode of traveling with your whole polyamorous crew. The tips therein can be used for anyone really, but there are special things to consider when you're...

Episode 14 - Dating
October 29, 2019

Join us on our better late than never episode - number 14 - where we touch on a few aspects of dating and where J trademarks yet another term. We discuss dating dos and don'ts, poly and mono dating, and LDRs.

Episode 13 - A-poly-gies (5 apology languages)
October 21, 2019

Apparently there's a language for everything now. Do your your partners apologize differently than you? What's your apology language? What is your partners apology language? Find out more in this 13th episode of A-Poly-Gees. 5 Apology Languages...

Episode 12 - Love Languages
October 14, 2019

Join us on this episode as we venture into the balls of wax known as LOVE LANGUAGES. Dun dun dunnnn. What's your love language? What love language do you "hear" most? How do you express love and like to be shown love? All of this and more hi-jinks...

Episode 11 - Hi Arky (hierarchy)
October 07, 2019

Fasten your seat belts folks as we careen down the hierarchical highway of structure and non-structure, and roles and rules. We discuss a few different types of hierarchy, what we practice and why, and others that we have experienced even if...

Episode 10 - Poly Saturated
September 30, 2019

Being open and pliable is really important to the dating process of becoming ''poly-saturated.'' It's important to find and express your hard 'no's' of course but you learn so much along the way - through the heartache and the magic. It's worth?-...

Episode 9 - Poly misconceptions
September 23, 2019

People on the outside know it all, right? They know everything you're going to share with them as soon as you tell them that you're polyamorous - and if they don't, they have lots of questions. I'm sure you'd all agree that dispelling the myths and...