

Polyhedron Ep. 109 - "What is Anima?" w/ Ian Watson and Eddy Webb

June 11, 2020

We get a first glimpse into something that we have never seen before, a brand new era for the Trinity Continuum. It is called Anima and it is here to make you dream of electric sheep. *Stay till the end, we have something special coming up. Wrath & Glory Free Adventure!D&D Live 2020Ian Watson’s TwitterEddy Webb’s TwitterSimulacraTV Acq. Inc d&d game. Email: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.comTwitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), @Polyhedroncast,Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedronRSS Feed: LinkReddit: Link