Politics Aside

Politics Aside

Don't Be An Idiot on the Internet

May 25, 2017


Erin Gibson joins the show to talk about "Fake News"
TEDx talk - Whoa, Wait, What? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LawMNRr6AtU
State of Journalism
Fake News
News Literacy - don't be an idiot on the internet
Norman Schwarzkopf is dead...again
United States of Amnesia
.com.co go away
sites/articles that look like real news - Empire News example
Jerry Seinfeld taping in Evansville (fake news)
sketchy places on the internet
confirmation bias with ridiculous articles
training ourselves to go past the whoa moment to check the story for truth
Dwell in the Pause
Jon Webb article for Courier Press - http://www.courierpress.com/story/opinion/columnists/jon-webb/2017/05/21/webb-some-local-resistance-dont-buy-russia-story/101841884/
woodward - binge drinking the anti-trump kool aid - http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/woodward-reporters-binge-drinking-the-anti-trump-kool-aid/article/2623582
The Media - doesn't exist. not a hive mentality
what is a news source and what gives them credibility
one mistake does not throw out the whole thing
robot news writing
media needs to own up to mistakes - fix it whether someone has noticed or not
transparency is what we are looking for
commentary vs journalism
hard to tell who is paid vs not paid commentators on cable news
Anderson Cooper - personality vs journalist
find the journalism being done well and reward it
teaching journalism students how to combat the fake news label
seek truth and report what you find, and minimize harm
anonymous sources and what criteria grant a source anonymity
dystopia is ahead if we keep on the distrust path
Book Club
All the Kings Men - Robert Penn Warren - https://www.amazon.com/All-Kings-Robert-Penn-Warren-ebook/dp/B00A1TEZA6/
James Comey FBI no longer - testifying after memorial day
independent counsel - Robert Mueller best outcome for both sides?
Justin in DC recently
Jason Chaffetz - House government oversight committee
word bubbles caused Clinton to lose, not Comey - article
2020 Presidential Candidates Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks
Iron Sheik Tweet of the week