Political Breakfast from WABE

Political Breakfast from WABE

Latest Episodes

One More Donald Trump Recording; One More Voting Battle
March 12, 2021

A look at the possible fallout from another recording of a phone call by former president Donald Trump to a Georgia election official; also, the behind-the-scenes deal-making we can expect at the State Capitol in the continuing fight over proposed voting

Gold Dome Scramble: Crossover Day Edition Where Voting Bills Dominate
March 09, 2021

Crossover Day in the Georgia legislature is when bills must pass in either the House or the Senate to stay alive. Several controversial voting bills "crossed over".

Gold Dome Voting War; Vaccine Distribution Hurdles; Vernon Jordan’s Legacy
March 05, 2021

A look at which voting overhaul bills might pass the Legislature—forcing a decision from Governor Kemp; also, the bumpy start for Georgia’s vaccine rollout, and the legacy of Atlanta native, and civil rights giant, Vernon Jordan.

Gold Dome Scramble: Democrats Get Noisy Around Republican Voting Bills
March 01, 2021

Georgia Democrats have very little power to stop Republican voting bills in the legislature, but they're leveraging their recent statewide success to try to limit efforts to restrict ballot box access.

Voting Bill Battle Rages; Perdue’s Out—Who’s In?
February 26, 2021

A look at what might happen in next year’s U.S. Senate race now that former Senator David Perdue has declined to run; also, the push to get teachers vaccinated against COVID-19, and the fierce State Capitol fight over voting restrictions.

Gold Dome Scramble: Georgia Needs More Teachers And Gets More Voting Bills
February 22, 2021

More voting bills are popping up and Governor Brian Kemp tries to get more teachers with incentives.

Election’s Over, But Voting Wars Rage On
February 19, 2021

A look at the confusing backroom maneuvers over the future of Fulton County’s elections chief; the ongoing battles at the Legislature over voting restrictions; and why Gov. Kemp is giving a lot more frequent coronavirus updates lately.

Gold Dome Scramble: Citizen's Arrest Law And Voting Bills Explained
February 15, 2021

Changes to Georgia's citizen's arrest law are underway nearly a year after the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick.

Fulton DA Investigates Former President; Voting Bill Battles
February 12, 2021

A look at the Fulton County District Attorney’s investigation of former president Donald Trump; Georgia’s central role in the Senate impeachment trial; the Gold Dome fight over voting restrictions; and the push for COVID-19 vaccine equity.

Gold Dome Scramble: Restrictive Election Bills Take Shape In Georgia Legislature
February 08, 2021

Republicans have introduced a wide variety of election bills ranging from extra ID's for absentee voting to restricting drop boxes.