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Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 187 – “Alomo...mlmlmlmomolo?”

February 23, 2020

Welcome to Pokémon GO Podcast! Charles… is no where to be seen! Joe is flying solo today and to be honest it’s a bit dry. That said, it is still filled with some great tips, tricks, and news about Pokémon GO. Niantic has been leaning heavily into egg events and the community has been voicig their frustration. A red egg has been found by code divers which is probably the shadow egg mentioned in a code dive a little while back. Niantic is breaking UK advertising law, but it appears they will get away with just a slap on the wriist. Ultra League is here, but how are you doing? Joe does a battle live on air providing a play by play of the action for our podcast listeners. All of that incredible content, and of course YOUR feedback and comments!
Thanks to our awesome Patrons we will keep producing and improving the Pokémon GO Podcast. With your help everyone “catch ‘em all,” and you can start by going to giantsizeteamup.com/support/ and growing your community! We thank you all, for your support, and we hope you can help us serve you better as the show continues to grow and evolve.
Thanks to ALL of our awesome listeners, especially our Patrons.  Due to their generous Patronage, we will continue building this great community!
Start eggs-cavating, Trainers – fossil Pokémon are now hatching from 7 km Eggs!
Current 7km Egg Content
Red egg art asset found (probably a shadow egg referenced in a previous data mine)
TrainerTips just confirmed Niantic have acknowledged the communities feelings towards egg events, and will be making adjustments. Info at 7:36.
Niantic breaking UK Advertising rules, Liverpool tickets advertised at £12 but actually cost £18
[Update] Response from the ASA on incorrect pricing for Safari Zone in the UK
I’ve completed 50 Ultra League battles at ~2800 rating and recorded the mon I came up against and how often they lead. No surprises who’s at the top…


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