Welcome To Earth Stories
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Destroyer Of Worlds
I am Atom, the building block of the universe. I have been spliced and placed into a warhead. You can't stop me, you can't ignore me. This is my story before the world burns. Season 4, Episode 12
Boy Band Conspiracy
What if I told you that the biggest news events are never told, that the government is keeping you fat, amused and entertained. What your about to hear is what the government doesn't want you to hear
Under The Dandelions
You try to move but you can't feel your arms and legs. You try to scream but they can't hear you. And then you hear a voice, is it an angel or your tortured conscience? Season 4, Episode 10 Eve
Wisdom From A Spider
How can a spider change your life? Season 4, Episode 9 (micro episode) Also, some professional podcasters listened to my show and gave me some advice. They said I need to introduce myself and gi
How Steve Destroyed The world
One lottery ticket, one man's quest for power. Click play to listen before the world burns. Season 4, Episode 8 Everyone has the potential to turn into a monster, everyone including you.
Life Application
My beloved Government finally responded to my Life Application, is this the end of your favorite podcaster? (Bonus Show) Season 4, Episode 7, micro episode Dear Mr Campbell we reviewe
Pegasus Dilemma
Something went terribly wrong in this interview. I thought about scrapping it because it's just too weird, even my guest was ticked off and stormed out. However, there's a lesson in the cobwebs.
This Person Does Not Exist
This episode may be fake.Every news segment and tweet is probably the same The person in this story created his fantasy, or so it seems. Season 4, episode 5 The line between fact and fantas
Netflix Hangover (**Bonus Show)
If you want to destroy your writing career then pour yourself a tall glass of soda, a large bowl of cheetos, turn your remote to Netflix and binge on your favorite show. S4 Episode 4, Mirco Ep
Better Stronger Faster
What if your dreams became a trilogy? Season 4, Episode 3 (Earthling Spotlight Interview) Aliya survived a horrific car crash. She was rescued and remade by an alien race, given supernatural abi