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Elon Musk And The End Of The World

May 02, 2022

How one billionaire sparked mass hysteria and what this means for writers.

You may have heard rumors of the sky falling and humanity torpedoing to its demise. Not from a rogue nation stockpiling weapons of mass destruction or from a solar flare threatening to reduce us to the stone age, but from one eccentric billionaire Elon Musk.

In the children's story, Chicken Little, mass hysteria was at its peak. Little was convinced of the immediate apocalypse so he made it his mission to scream it from the rooftops.

Mass hysteria is a virus, it spreads its pestilence through social media and turns us into ravenous wolves. 

What is the "unforgivable sin" of Elon Musk? 

Free speech.

He wants everyone to share their views without the threat of being cancelled. He feels a thriving democracy is an exchange of ideas.

For writers this should be good news. It's vital to listen and read opposing views, this is how we grow and become better earthlings. 

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