Podcast Your Scene - Throwdown!

Podcast Your Scene - Throwdown!

Aqua Dementia PARS530

August 28, 2020

Episode 530 features Matt and Earl of Aqua Dementia. Sludge and blue collar shenanigans out of western PA. Consisting of Earl T. Pearl, Matthew Morton and Troy Theileman. While searching for the perfect hot wing recipe and spray foaming an 85 camaro, Earl and Matt decided to start a band. Shortly after they found Troy behind a dumpster and asked him to play drums in exchange for food. New EP coming soon.
Segment 1 with Matt and Earl of Aqua Dementia

How did forming a band as the pandemic affected you?
..Hear us talk about car "luck" in the video below, too 
What do you write your songs about?
Some more car talk turns into a possible EP title...
If you could sit on that proverbial bench for a hour and talk to any musician in history, who would you talk to and what question would you ask him?
We talk about covers of The Devil Went Down to Georgia recently released by Nickleback, K0rn, and The Hellfire Club.
What song would you like to take and convert to your style?
We talk about country music and artists that we would see live.
What artist have you not seen live in concert, that you wish you would have?
What was the worst concert you went to?
If you could go on tour with any band, who would you want to tour with and what venue would you want to start the tour at?
You guys headline a world tour, what local bands do you take with you?
On your "Hotrod Frankenstein" EP, what car would grace the cover?
If Aqua Dementia was going to be into a cartoon series, what series would you be injected into, and what characters would play you?