Podcaster News

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Apple Podcast Announcement Wrap-up – PCN Show 043
Apple’s announcement this week at the end of the Worldwide Developer Conference is some of the biggest podcasting news to happen in years. That’s why I’ve decided to dedicate an entire episode to it. Links: New Features for Listeners,
From Length to Limbaugh? – PCN 042
In this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss the idea that there is a perfect length for a podcast episode. We mention the potential future of podcasting for Conservatives. We also talk about why a brand could benefit from having its own podcast – and end wi...
Footballing Introverts Anonymous – PCN 041
In this episode, Shawn and Jen discover that there actually are audio footballing (or soccer) podcasts out there. Who knew? We give hope to introverts who think they couldn’t possibly do podcasting. (You can do it!).
We’re All Mainstream Now! – PCN 040
In this episode, Shawn and Jen give you a round-up of articles that predict what will happen in podcasting in 2017. We discuss what we think about the potential rise of “walled gardens”, the future of advertising in podcasts,
Podbbang! – PCN 039
In this episode, Shawn and Jen talk about a Korean podcasting platform that is more popular in Korea than iTunes is. We debate the value of transcription of podcast episodes, and ponder if Shortcut (and services like it) can really make audio more sha...
The Passion of the Pods – PCN 038
In this podcast, Shawn and Jen talk about the passion involved in podcasting. People often start podcasts about something they are passionate about. That same passion can come out in weird ways in response to either praise or a critique of their show.
Movies, Moms and McPoverty – PCN 037
In this episode, Shawn and Jen talk about what could happen if your podcast became a movie (or TV show). We also discuss why moms should listen to podcasts, and point out the stories behind some podcaster’s Twitter handles.
Pirates, Wrestlers, and Runners – PCN 036
In this episode, Shawn and Jen talk about pirates that steal other people’s audio content. We review some options about what you can do if your content is stolen, and point out a site that tends to end up with a lot of stolen content.
The Unskippable Episode – PCN 035
In this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss the dream of all advertisers who place their ads on podcasts – the unskippable episode. The advertisers are super interested in finding some way to know, for certain, how many listeners actually heard their ad (an...
A List, a How To, and a WTF – PCN Show 034
In this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss two articles that provide advice on how to start your own podcast. One is intended for those who are brand new to podcasting, and the other brings up thoughts of WTF. We also review yet another list that is in res...