Podcast Insider

Podcast Insider

Overcoming Podcasting Paralysis: Tips and Tricks – PCI 419

October 24, 2024
Today’s Hosts: Mike Dell and MacKenzie Bennett

There are several common barriers that stop people from starting a podcast, ranging from technical concerns to personal fears. This podcasting paralysis stops many from finally getting their show out there and today, we are here to alleviate those anxieties and dissecting how to fix them.

By addressing these concerns—through education, planning, and embracing imperfections—potential podcasters can overcome these barriers and successfully launch their shows. We at Blubrry know that you can overcome podcasting paralysis.

Here’s a succinct list combining the common barriers to starting a podcast and ways to overcome them:
1. Fear of Failure or Rejection

Self Doubt and Fear of Negative Feedback

Overcome it by: Embracing imperfection, expecting small audiences at first, and viewing feedback as a growth opportunity.

2. Technical Challenges

Lack of Knowledge and Fear of Technology

Overcome it by: Starting with minimal equipment and learning as you go. Use free resources like tutorials and online communities.

3. Time Commitment

Perceived Time Burden and Balancing Other Responsibilities

Overcome it by: Setting a manageable schedule, batching episodes, and outsourcing tasks when needed.

4. Financial Concerns

Cost of Equipment and Ongoing Subscription Fees

Overcome it by: Using affordable, entry-level equipment and free podcasting tools like Audacity to reduce initial costs.

5. Content Uncertainty

Not Knowing What to Talk About and Lack of Audience Clarity

Overcome it by: Planning topics ahead and focusing on subjects you’re passionate about to create consistent, engaging content.

6. Perfectionism

Striving for the Perfect Setup and Overplanning

Overcome it by: Taking action with what you have and understanding that improvement comes with practice, not perfection from the start.

7. Imposter Syndrome

Feeling Unqualified and Comparing to Established Podcasts

Overcome it by: Focusing on your unique perspective and understanding that everyone’s expertise grows with experience.

8. Fear of Being on the Microphone

Stage Fright and Voice Insecurities

Overcome it by: Just do it. Practicing regularly and reminding yourself that content value matters more than having a “perfect” voice.

9. Lack of Immediate Results

Expecting Instant Success and Ease of Growth

Overcome it by: Focusing on gradual growth and redefining success as personal improvement or audience connection rather than instant numbers.

10. Uncertainty About Promotion

Marketing Challenges and Limited Budget

Overcome it by: Starting with simple organic growth through social media and collaborations, and automating where possible.

11. Fear of Consistency

Commitment Anxiety and Burnout Concerns

Overcome it by: Creating a sustainable routine and keeping your goals realistic to avoid burnout.

12. Misconceptions About the Podcasting Space

Thinking the Market is Saturated and Belief That Only Celebrities Succeed

Overcome it by: Focusing on what makes your podcast unique and seeing other podcasters as collaborators, not competitors.

13. Lack of Support

No Collaborative Partners and Minimal Encouragement

Overcome it by: Joining podcasting communities or working with a partner for support, motivation, and collaboration.

14. Legal Concerns

Copyright Issues and Sponsorship and Monetization Rules

Overcome it by: Educating yourself on copyright laws and podcast monetization through free resources and legal guides.

By addressing these concerns with the right strategies, aspiring podcasters can confidently launch and grow their shows.

Got a subject you would like us to cover on the show, Drop an email to mike@blubrry.com (audio, text, video), and we may use it. You can also post a question on the Blubrry Podcasting Facebook group.

The best place for support with any Blubrry product or service is our ticket system. Tickets give the whole team access vs. direct emails or calls. General podcasting discussions and more can be shared on the Blubrry Podcasting Facebook group.

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Hosting customers can schedule a one-on-one call with Todd or a tech checkup with Mike at todd@blubrry.com and mike@blubrry.com

Stay tuned for more episodes and visit our website for the latest updates and resources.