Podcast UFO

Podcast UFO

AudioBlog: A multiple witness UFO Abduction

April 03, 2022

UFO abduction cases have been controversial ever since the very first cases were reported. The main factor working against them is that most of them are single witness reports. There are exceptions, of course, the most famous being the 1975 Travis Walton case. In this incident, six of Walton’s co-workers (they were working in Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona on an NFS Timber Stand Improvement contract) reported seeing Walton knocked back by a beam of light from a UFO and then lifted up by the beam. Walton was missing for five days and the Navajo County Sheriff suspected his co-workers of murder. They were subjected to lie-detector tests at the Navajo County Courthouse in Holbrook, Arizona, and all six of them passed. This case is still discussed and held up in support of abduction claims, but another abduction case with multiple witnesses that also seems worthy of consideration is nowhere near as well known.

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