Podcast Inglês Online
Podcast: What’s been going on with the Royals?
How’s it going? No episódio desta semana do podcast, eu comento as últimas da família real britânica. Se você é uma pessoa que não tem muito interesse nesse assunto, não se preocupe: eu também não. Mas o bafafá foi tanto por aqui no último mês que eu tinha que falar alguma coisa!
Ouça o meu resumo, pois ele tem tudo que você precisa saber. Enjoy, e passe pelo iTunes (ou a plataforma que você usa) e deixe uma review para o podcast - muita gente entra em contado comigo para dizer obrigado/a pelo pod, e essa é uma das melhores maneiras de agradecer :-) Adorei ler as mais recentes.
Nota: a imagem deste post é uma foto tirada por mim da capa da revista satírica Private Eye deste mês.
Hi! This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. How are you doing? How have you been?
Today I thought I would talk about something that is kind of old news by now, and that is -- everything that's been going on with the royal family here in the UK. And let me tell you, I was never someone who was interested in royal news. I knew the very basic... You have the queen, Queen Elizabeth and then you have Charles and Andrew. Prince Andrew was involved in a scandal recently -- he was friends with a pedophile and he gave this car crash of an interview that turned out to be worse than if he hadn't done the interview.
I don't know if you guys heard about it in Brazil, but then, more recently... Prince Harry and his wife Meghan decided to distance themselves from the royal family. And I mean... I've been living in the UK for six years now and I have the habit of... having a look at the newspapers -- at least at the headlines sometimes -- usually once a week. It was impossible to avoid. I ended up reading several articles about what was going on. I don't know exactly what the Brazilian newspapers told you guys but here's a summary of what I read.
Prince Harry is the son of the late Princess Diana, and Prince Charles. He's the younger brother of William, who's married to Kate. And Prince Harry, a couple years ago, I think... Got married to an American actress, Meghan Markle. She used to have a role in Suits, but she doesn't anymore... She started dating Prince Harry and I think in less than a year they decided to get married. And they got married and it was a huge royal wedding... And then after a few months she got pregnant, she had a baby, and finally, a few weeks ago... They decided to tell the press that they were stepping back from the royal family and from the royal duties.
Being a royal in the UK is like having a full-time job. You represent the country in all kinds of official and governmental situations and events... And obviously you receive funding to do that, which comes from taxpayer money. But the thing that sparked a lot of controversy here in the UK is that... Number one: they released their announcement to the press before they had ironed out all the details with the queen, and... Most British people were not happy about that because actually they care a lot about respecting the queen, and people get really angry here if they think that their queen has been disrespected. That was the first thing.
And then the second thing that people didn't seem to like very much was that their announcement to the press was kind of unclear. They said that they were stepping back from royal duties, but they kind of implied that they were going to keep some benefits like the really expensive mansion where they used to live -- which obviously is also funded by taxpayer money...
That was a bit strange, and apparently the queen was very upset that their announcement went to the press first, before she and Harry, or she and Harry and Meghan had enough time to talk through all the details and agree on what kind of arrangement they are going to have.
Anyway, those were the two major points of discontent, I would say,