God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

Ep8 Missionary Man Chip Jones pt1 - God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

May 15, 2015

(http://godscrubsandworkboots.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/8-ball-300x225.jpg)Welcome to episode Number 8, in which we talk with missionary Chip Jones!!

I am very proud to be able to share this conversation with everyone.  My only regret is that we were not able to put it up before now.

Our friend Chip Jones and his family are missionaries down in Chile, South America (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile).  I recently had him over to the house before his last trip, and we talked about the long interesting road that God led him down and the growth he underwent to get to where he is.  I thought, what a great story, we should talk about that on the podcast!

So we set up the interview, and end up talking not at all about that.
Rule Number One whenever I teach a Bible Study or a Sunday School Class is, "Tangents are our friends (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangent)."  (Officially it's "Whatever you want to talk about is going to be be better and more relevant than anything I have prepared."  But that takes too long to say)

So we end up talking about God (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotheism#Abrahamic_religions) and His Holiness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiness) and what that looks like in real life.  Which is our favorite topic around here.  We hit some really deep waters, but Chip was able to keep it really relatable and accessible.  I am confident y'all will really enjoy it.

As always, leave any comments down below.

