God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

Episode 29- Noah Explains Easter - God, Scrubs, and Workboots Podcast

March 26, 2016

It's Episode 29, Where Noah, my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, completely explains the Mystery of Easter.  OK, maybe not completely.  But he does pretty good for a 6 year old.
It's a super short episode, and trying to get a 6 year old on a Saturday morning to hold still and talk directly into the microphone is a bit of a challenge, so the audio levels are sometimes less than perfect.
But we enjoyed making it, and that part shines through anyway.  
Hope you guys enjoy it.
Cliff & Noah
PS Check out our Sponsors, The Revival Outfitters.
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