Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#135: 6 Things You Need to Let Go of This Year
My guess is that you are extremely important. There are probably dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people holding their collective breath and waiting on your every move. You are the glue that holds everything together in your world.
It’s exhausting. It’s overwhelming. You are constantly doing at least 10 things at once at any given time. And if you stop - if you even dare to take the tiniest of breaks - the universe as we know it would immediately unravel and cease to exist.
And how could you ever live with yourself after that?
Now is the time when someone shakes you, you open your eyes and rejoin the rest of in what I like to call reality.
Don’t get me wrong; I am not judging you. I’m the last person to do so. In fact, would you like to know a little secret? I used to be just like you. And if I’m honest, I still find that I can slip back into those patterns of belief and behavior.
But it doesn’t have to be this way...
What if I told you that you have the power to release yourself from this no-win rollercoaster ride? And what if it were surprisingly easy? Would you jump at the chance?
Furthermore, what if instead of having to do some more things to get there - instead of holding tighter to what you have - the key to an easier, less stressful, less over-extended, less busy, less daring, happier and far more fulfilling life turned out to be quite the opposite?
Buckle up...
Wait. Scratch that. Back that thing up and unbuckle, Buttercup. Sit back, take a deep cleansing breath and listen now as I reveal the 6 Things You Need to Let Go of This Year. That’s right, less really can be more. And you deserve it!
Mentioned in this Episode:
#132: Don’t Let Auld Lang Syne Trigger Your Ol’ Anxiety
#133: Embracing the Letdown