Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#102: Be Your Own Bestie

June 01, 2017


Think back to a time when one of your best friends was going through a really rough time. Maybe it was a breakup or she lost a job. Maybe a death or other profound loss. Heck it could have been an extraordinarily bad hair day.

Whatever it was, she came to you for support. And you probably rolled your eyes, sighed dramatically, puffed up, and said, "What the hell is wrong with you? I told you this was going to happen. Why do you keep getting yourself into these situations? You brought it on yourself just like you always do and you deserve what you get. Now quit your whining, pull yourself together, get over it, and stop being such a hot mess!"

No? So let me ask you this: When's the last time you said any of that nonsense to yourself?

If you're like most people, You'd do anything for your best friend. You're her biggest fan and her strongest ally. You're always there for her no matter what. Right? So why aren't you treating yourself the same way? Let's face it, you are the only person who can logistically always be there for you. You're right there by your own side no matter what happens. So you can do this the hard way, or you can learn to be the very best friend you could ever have.

Girlfriend, it's about time! So this week I'ma teach you how to be your own bestie. First I'll go over the fine points of what it means to really be a best friend. And then I'll share 3 simple tips that you can put into action today to start generating immediate and lifelong self-bestie mojo.

Listen now and allow me to introduce you to the very best friend you will ever have: yourself!
