Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#100: Beat Your Inner Bully

May 18, 2017


Did you ever have to end a relationship with someone who was just no good for you? Maybe someone kind of abusive. Who kept you stuck. Lied. Cheated. Made you feel like total crap. A real bully.

Unfortunately most of us have had to deal with at least one person like this along the way. It's not always easy to cut ties. Especially when it's someone you genuinely care for. But once you do, life inevitably becomes easier, happier, healthier.

So what if I told you that you're still dealing with a bully? That's right, there's someone out to get you right now. Someone is trying to trip you up, keep you down, and steal your lunch money. I'd tell you to kick the crap out of her except for one thing: that someone is you.

Of course you don't mean to do this to yourself. But let's face it, we are all our own worst critics. It's something we develop early in life and it becomes second nature. You may be so used to it that you've forgotten where you end and this critic begins. But make no mistake: that voice you hear, the one that cuts you down at every opportunity, it's not really you. It's just a garden variety bully and it's high time you learned to beat your inner bully!

In episode 100 I tell you how to beat your inner bully without messing up a single hair on either of your heads. In fact, let's settle this thing right now, once and for all! I'll help you identify where that bully comes from and then I'll walk you through 3 painless steps to send her packing for good. And as a special thank you for sharing my 100th podcast with me, I have a special gift to all my listeners.
