Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#97: Guess Again…Or Better Yet, Don’t!

April 27, 2017

Remember the last time you were driving somewhere new? You may have been nervous because you weren't sure where you were going. Probably you had your navigation system helping out. But still, it can be a bit nerve wracking when you're on unsure footing.

Maybe you missed a turn and had to re-route. Or possibly you swerved across a few lanes of traffic to get in the correct lane at the last second. But the fact that you're here now, reading this, tells me that it was not the end of anyone's world.

So let's break it down: You had some decisions to make that day, right? First you decided to go somewhere you'd never been before. You had to decide how to get there. You had to choose the fastest route or the one that kept you off of major highways. You had to determine how early to leave, just in case you ran into any problems. And if one of my scenarios above occurred, you had to quickly shift gears and make split second course corrections.

Can I ask you a question; did you second guess any of those decisions?

Chances are you did. Chances are you second guess decisions way more often than you should. And it's time for you to knock that off!

Last week I helped you identify healthy and effective ways to make proactive decisions. I know that if you're following my 5-step decision making process, you're already deciding like a champ.

But what happens after those decisions are made is just as crucial as the actual making part. If you're second guessing yourself, back-tracking, reversing or even changing your decisions for the wrong reasons, I am here to help.

In episode 97, I'll reveal the number 1 reason why you're second guessing your decisions. And then I'll guide you through the 4 essential truths about decision making that you must embrace in order to own your decisions and stop those self-doubt bombs from messing with your mojo!