Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#85: What’s RIGHT With You

February 02, 2017

Have you ever lost your keys? Let me paint a picture: You're running late. One voice in your head is berating you for always loosing your keys. Another voice chimes in and reminds you that you knew this was going to happen. A third voice is muttering manically about how you'll never find your keys. And yet a fourth voice - this one may even be coming out of your mouth - screams, "What is wrong with you?!?"

So what IS wrong with you? And no, the answer is not multiple personalities. Chances are that the only thing wrong here is that you're focusing on what's wrong instead of what's right.

Let's rejoin the voices in your head. What if you tune them out or change what they're telling you for just a minute. How many times have you done just that only to discover that your keys are in your hand?

You attract what you focus on. You know this and yet you may still be focusing on what's wrong with you....instead of what's right. But before you start scolding yourself, know this: We ALL do it. And what's more, we live in a world that encourages it.

Every day you are bombarded with messages and adverts encouraging you to focus on what's wrong with you. How else can they sell you a solution unless you have a problem? But what if you could reframe that and stop the madness? What if you could approach every day knowing that you're amazing just the way you are?

In this episode, I'm giving you 3 tips to immediately switch from wrong to right. And I've thrown in a powerful bonus tip to instantly up your game. It's just that easy! Because, as Glenda the Good Witch said, "You've always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself."

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