Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Latest Episodes
#136: 3 Habits For Success That Have Been Within You All Along
Success. If you're like me, you can't get enough of it. And you've probably spent way too much time - and possibly money - searching for it. In books and videos. You dress for it. You chase it. You fake it ‘til you make it. You travel far and wide!
#135: 6 Things You Need to Let Go of This Year
My guess is that you are extremely important. There are probably dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people holding their collective breath and waiting on your every move. You are the glue that holds everything together in your world. -
#134: 3 Great Lessons From a Kind of Crappy Year
Last year was a rollercoaster ride for nearly everyone I know. Lots of changes and losses and upheaval. Some sweet moments, of course. But in so many ways, it seemed like one of the most tumultuous years ever. At least in my lifetime. -
#133: Embracing the Letdown
We're barely into the new year and you've already used, lost, grown tired of, or broken all of your favorite holiday toys. The leftovers are gone. Or're still wearing them under your "fat" pants.
#132: Don’t Let Auld Lang Syne Trigger Your Ol’ Anxiety
It's here again. That time of year when you've run out of...well... - Year! - Where did the time go? How did another entire year just slip away in the blink of an eye? And more importantly, how did you not make good on that laundry list of resolut...
#131: How to Grow Your Heart 3 Sizes…Stat!
Last week I talked about how to deal with those rude, obnoxious people you've undoubtedly been encountering in spades this holiday season. Bad drivers, selfish shoppers, lazy, incompetent customer service people...and the list goes on. -
#130: 5 Things to Do with Rude People Instead of Punching Them in the Face
The woman who cuts in front of you at Starbucks and proceeds to place an order for a small village - and keeps revising it for at least 52 minutes. - - The old man who zooms in front of you to steal the parking space you've been waiting patiently for...
#129: 5 Signs You Need Help – Especially If You Think You Don’t
Hey Buttercup I got your number: You are superwoman. Not only can you bring home the bacon and fry it up in a bought the land, built the farm, selected the pig - after breeding, delivering, raising,
#128: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Your Birthday
Breaking News: Grown-assed woman found dancing in the streets in a pointy hat holding fistfuls of cake and chanting, "WooHoo, it's my birthday!" between bites. - Remember when YOU got that excited when your birthday rolled around?
#127: Beyond Thankfulness: 4 Things You Need to Be Grateful For If You Want to Grow
Today is American Thanksgiving. It's a day dedicated to giving thanks for all the blessings in our lives. The myth we were taught as children revolved around the colonial settlers from Europe - or Pilgrims - and the native Americans.