If you use Blubrry hosting, you may have noticed a pause in service earlier this week as Amazon Web Servers went down worldwide, affecting hundreds…
Author: blubrry
What is a podcast trademark? As a podcaster you have spent hours developing your show, finding topics, locating people to interview, writing show notes, putting…
Why are ID3 tags important? When you create a new podcast episode the meta information – such as the title of your episode, artist/author, your website…
If you’re a podcasting enthusiast, no doubt you’ve considered a variety of ways to monetize your passion. One way, of course, is via affiliate marketing – a…
Consistency, patience, and putting out an excellent product are the foundation of a successful podcast. But it’s not always as simple as “build something great…
Burnout: it happens to the best podcasters. But feeling exhausted, uninspired, or just plain “meh” about publishing doesn’t have to kill your podcast. Try these…