PMN Tonga

PMN Tonga

Latest Episodes

Politiki 'oe uike ni 12.08.2020 mo Dr Malakai Koloamatangi
August 12, 2020

Mahino ki he tu'unga mo'ui 'i Nu'u Sila 'i he Levolo 3 'o e fakataputapu 'o e Covid 19

PMN Tonga Polokalama Makehe
August 12, 2020

Anahila Kanongata'a Suisuiki - Labour Party Candidate 2020. Live interview via Zoom with John Pulu 

PMN Tonga Mamani mo hono me’a Fakaofo
August 12, 2020

Lord Fusitu’a has lost his seat in parliament after a long absence from the Legislative Assembly since the 5th of August last year. The office of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga confirmed that under section 7 of the Legislative Assembly Act, if a membe

PMN Tonga To'utupu Masani
August 12, 2020

Melissa Lama is a youth leader & helps lead the Pacific Youth Leadership And Transformation council. She’s Tongan and is heavily involved in a lot of community initiatives. Live interview with John Pulu 

PMN Tonga Okooko ki he Mo’ui Lelei
August 12, 2020

Hon Jenny Latu Salesa, Associate Health Minister with the latest update in Auckland level 3 lockdown and rest of NZ level 2. Live interview with John Pulu

PMN Tonga Culture
August 12, 2020

Lisala Halapua, Tongan author and illustrator. Finalist in the 2017 New Zealand Book Awards For Children and Young Adults, New Zealand-Tongan author, and illustrator Lisala Halapua brings his Tongan grandmother's stories to life in his Island Fables pict

PMN Tonga Community Connection
August 12, 2020

Reverend Siosifa Pole talks about The New Tongan book Fisi'inaua 'i Vaha- A Tongan Migrant's Way. Live interview with John Pulu

PMN Tonga Current Events
August 12, 2020

COVID19 Auckland Alert Level 3 lockdown update with. Dr. Viliami Puloka Live interview with John Pulu

PMN Tonga Lotu kamata
August 12, 2020

Rev Salesi Kaho Kanongata'a, Gateway Auckland