Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

What Happens When We Die?

June 11, 2022

As we get back to our study in the Gospel of John, we looked to answer the age-old question: “What happens when we die?” Though many answers to this question have been proposed throughout history, we looked to Jesus’ answer as our basis for objective truth on this matter. We saw how Jesus talks about a coming judgement for all who has ever lived, one that results in punishment in the lake of fire if one’s name is not written in the book of life. We also saw how Jesus Himself promises that there is eternal life for those who believe in Him; a life that is given to us in this life and in the next. Finally, we were reminded that our ultimate treasure in the next life is Jesus Himself. Christ is the ultimate fulfilment and answer to what happens to us when we die; because He lives and has conquered the grave, we too can be sure that we will as well.