Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

The Trial of Unbelief

October 16, 2021

What’s the difference between shallow faith and sincere faith? In this continuation of our study in the Gospel of John, we looked at the conclusion of chapter 4 and the story of the official who asked Jesus to heal his son. We saw how in our trials there is often the test in unbelief where God reveals whether or not our faith is sincere. We saw from this story that the way one passes this test is by having trust in the unbelief; despite our circumstances, trusting in the faithfulness of God. Only then can we see the triumph in unbelief; God in His faithfulness accomplishing more than what we ask for or think. God tests the heart of man to see who would remain faithful despite not receiving what they asked for. It is in the test that our faith is refined and brought to sincerity.