Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

The Savior's Method

September 25, 2021

Continuing our study in the Gospel of John, we looked at the Savior’s method of sharing the good news to the lost. We saw the necessity of complying to the Holy Spirit’s leading, asking for guidance to individuals whose hearts are ready to receive the Gospel. We also saw how Jesus was able to connect with the sinner, conveying the Gospel truths to the Samaritan woman’s context. Similarly, when we share the Gospel, we should listen and understand the context of the unbeliever so that we can better understand the need that is drawing them to Christ. Like Jesus, we are also to convey grace and truth; recalling the goodness of the Gospel, but at the same time not shying away from calling sinners to repentance. Finally, we must always centre the conversation on Christ; the purpose of evangelism is not to promote a church or a benefit of grace but the Savior Himself. By practicing these steps we can ensure that our evangelism is in line with the Savior’s method.