Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

The Living Water

September 18, 2021

As we continued our study in the Gospel of John, we looked at the story of Jesus offering a Samaritan woman the living waters of God. We learned that by invoking the term of “living water” Jesus was fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy that foretold a time where the waters of God would quench the spiritual thirst of the world. This was demonstrated by Christ’s interaction with the Samaritan woman. From her story we were reminded of how Christ pursues the weary in soul; Jesus went out of His way to meet with this Samaritan woman at the well. We also saw how Jesus poured out mercy on the Samaritan woman; though having known her sins He was ready to offer her the waters of life that lead to eternal life. Finally, we were also reminded how Jesus promises recovery from the ravages of sin, and is the only One who is able to fulfill that promise. Jesus offers the waters of life for anyone who thirst and are willing to ask.