Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

Fight or Flight

November 18, 2017

We looked at the fear that comes with change. How do we handle it? When fear of the unknown comes, do we stay and fight, or do we take flight? Looking at Joshua’s example, we learned that God’s desire for us is to stay and fight. The question then arises, how do we fight fear in the midst of change? Like Joshua, we are to fight with faith, not dependent on our own strength but fully dependent on God. We also learned that we are to fight with proper footing, standing firmly on the Word of God as our pathway into change. Finally, we were reminded to fight alongside friends and not alone; we have a community of believers ready to make a stand with us. Though change can be fearful, we are commanded as believers today to be strong and courageous as Joshua was because it is God Himself who goes before us into new horizons.