Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Latest Episodes

How Effective is the Suicide Squad? (Feat. George Dimarelos)
March 26, 2017

In which our heroes ask what if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House and grab the President of the United States right out of the Oval Office, decide the best course of action is to put together a team of basically Hawk...

What Would Your Ultimate Crime Fighting Super Power Be?
March 19, 2017

In which our heroes have an existential crisis, control bacteria and just give up as they discuss what the ultimate crime fighting power would be. Want to come see Movie Maintenance and Plumbing the Death Star Live? Just head here https://www.trybooki...

Why Do We Think Dominic Toretto Has Betrayed La Familia?
March 12, 2017

In which our heroes take the wheels of a very fast car, get furious as none of us know how to drive stick and just leave it all up to fate as we ask which why do we think Dominic Toretto has betrayed La Familia? Want to come see Movie Maintenance and ...

Which Disney Princess Would Make the Best Step-Dad? Live! (Feat. Adam)
March 05, 2017

In which our heroes’ mum has started dating again, decided that cartoon royalty is the best way forward so is making her may through the Disney Kingdoms as we ask which D...

Which Apocalypse is the Most Survivable Apocalypse? Live! (Feat. Adam)
February 26, 2017

In which our heroes fall out, delivery goods to war boys, become Wasteland gigalos and eat your mates as we ask which Apocalypse is the most survivable Apocalypse? Want to come see Movie Maintenance and Plumbing the Death Star Live? Just head here htt...

How Effective is the Prime Directive? (Feat. Adam & Shanks)
February 19, 2017

In which our heroes write in their captain’s log, get Scotty to beam them up and try and live long and prosper as they ask just how effective is the Prime Directive? Want to help support the show? Patreon: Podkeep: sanspants...

What are the Consequences of Mario Living in New York City? (Feat. Michael Jones)
February 12, 2017

In which our heroes are joined by Achievement Hunter's Michael Jones, take the stage at RTX Sydney, watch the trailer for Mario Odyssey and ask what are the consequences of Mario living in New York City. You can watch this panel here: https://www...

Why Does Your Snoke Theory Suck? (Feat. Steele Saunders)
February 05, 2017

In which our heroes get out the red pen, start circling screenshots and comparing them to other screenshots while wondering why your Snoke theory sucks. You can find all things Steele Wars at or Steele’s other podcast I Love Green Guide...

Would You Prefer to be Suddenly 30 or 17'd again? (Feat. Zammit)
January 29, 2017

In which our heroes try being 30 for a bit, try being 17 for a bit and then try time traveling for a bit while asking "Would you prefer to be Suddenly 30 or 17 Again'd?" Adam is surprised by the topic, Jackson compares being disappointed...

What Would You Do in Westworld? (Feat. Adam)
January 22, 2017

In which our heroes take the train into Sweetwater, drink copious amounts of whiskey, and expand their horizons as we ask what would you do in Westworld. Adam decides he'd be a monster and a hero, Jackson knows he'd get suckered in and die in...