Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Who is the best F*R*I*E*N*D?

June 04, 2015

In which our heroes will be there for you when the rain starts to pour, slap a reserved sign in front of an ugly orange couch, and drink far too much coffee while wondering who is objectively the best friend in F*R*I*E*N*D*S? In a process of elimination spanning several categories, we look at which F*R*I*E*N*D would dominate in a fight, who is arguably the best actual friend and unanimously agree that Ross is just the worst. Duscher tries to determine once and for all if Rachel and Ross were actually on a break, Zammit finds the ultimate woman in Monica, James goes in to bat for Joey’s kind-heartedness and Jackson just wants to make it through the episode without choking to death. It’s a case of keeping your F*R*I*E*N*D*S close and your F*R*E*N*E*M*I*E*S* closer, as we try to survive the episode without a marriage proposal from a dinosaur obsessed sad-sack.

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