Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Which Fictional Character Would Make a Better Santa Claus? (Feat. Adam)

December 18, 2016

In which our heroes are recovering from a big Christmas party where they drank too much eggnog and brandy, realised they forgot to do a write up and so are just gonna cobble something together at the last minute as we ask which fictional character would make the best Santa? We probably suggest superman at some point, seems a fair bet, almost definitely traumatise a child, and ruin Christmas one way or the other. Zammit probably chooses an X-Man, we bet Adam gets frustrated and/or smug, and Jackson almost definitely suggests something horrifying. So gather all your Christmas cheer, eat a candy cane, and decorate the tree. Merry Christmas. Nuh nuh nuh Nana I'm loving it.

Want to help Adam ruin and save Christmas? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, we can contribute to childhood obesity.

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