Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

If Australia Had a Wizarding School How Would it Function? (Feat. Adam)

November 13, 2016

In which our heroes grab a wand, throw on a cloak and head into their own backyard as they ask if Australia were to have a Wizarding School, how would it function? Join the two Plumbing boys who aren't Duscher and special guest Adam as they explore how being a wizard but also hot would work, give themselves horrific but also appropriate magic names and ignore winter. Jackson has the hiccups, Adam never watches football and Zammit is just sick of having his lack of knowledge exposed. It's a magical, but uniquely Australian time where those without magic are definitely, 100% officially called muggos. Just ask JK.

Want to help us build the Wattlebush Academy? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, we can pick up some portables on the cheap.

And don’t forget to be a magic boy or girl by heading to, use the code letmedie to save some serious $$$ on your next lootcrate subscription!

Also, if you’ve got time check out our video only YouTube channel; Sanspants CinemaScope and if you’re in Melbourne and want to see the Movie Maintenance Crew Live in December you can!;