Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Which Fictional Universe Has the Worst Moral Message? (Feat. Follow)

November 06, 2016

In which our heroes consume all of pop culture, sit alone in their rooms and then use this knowledge to make real life decisions while asking Which Fictional Universe Has the Worst Moral Message? Join the Plumbing boys as they battle through constant interruptions from Zoe taking selfies, constant interruptions from Adam sneezing and constant interruptions from Follow (may he rest in peace) knocking everything off our recording desk. Jackson reveals how close to anime he can get without getting a blood nose, Zammit is angry we wasted money on sending a man to space and Duscher just wants to make everyone get out their phones literally the moment the episode starts. Today's episode is a real exercise in professionalism and we bloody nail it, so let's have a moment of silence to celebrate the unwavering motivation of the boys. We did it.

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