Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

What Do the Public Know About the Avengers Initiative? (Feat. Mr SundayMovies)

October 16, 2016

In which our heroes look out their windows, see a whole lot of super heroics occurring, but struggle to make out terribly much as we ask what does the general public know about the Avengers? We confuse Thor with a Buff Nan, spend most of the time hiding under things, and lose count of how many Iron Men there are. James wants to move to the country, Duscher recalls the day the Hulks came, Zammit intends to give his children powers at whatever the cost, and Jackson just tries to describe the events of Avengers to the rest of the gang as they hide under a car. So prepare yourself for another confusing super hero event, do your best to make out whats going on amidst the colour and light, and then call your insurance company about the Hulk. Hopefully they can do something about whats going on.

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