Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Which One of the Plumbing Boys Would Make a Better Dumbledore and Why is it Joel Zammit?

June 19, 2016

In which our heroes get a prestigious teaching position, find out about a terrible prophecy, and mark a child for death as we wonder which Plumbing Boy would make the best Dumbledore and why is it Joel Zammit? We discuss the difficulty of slaughtering Harry Potter, do some excellent British accents, and explain souls. Jackson wonders if Dumbledore has a bed, Duscher once again turns to suicide, and Zammit just oblviates his way out of most problems. So run a school poorly, consume more lemon sherbets than is strictly reasonable, and then die for vague reasons in a tower. It might not be the best to fight the Dark Lord but at least they’ll get an education this time round.

Want to help Zammit put in a curriculum? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, we can start changing this school for the better.

And don’t forget to purchase your copy of Plumbing the Death Star Vol. 1 right now available at